National Indian Gaming Association (NIGA)
The National Indian Gaming Association is a non-profit organization of 168 Indian Nations and associate members dedicated to supporting the self-sufficiency of Indian Nations through gaming opportunities and steadfastly maintaining tribal sovereignty over Indian lands.
A newspaper offering the Native American perspective on a variety of issues and current events, Indian Country Today is a frequent publisher of articles related to all aspects of Indian gaming.
National Indian Gaming Commission
Established under the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act, the National Indian Gaming Commission is an independent federal regulatory agency charged with the regulation of Indian gaming on Indian land, specifically to protect tribes from corrupt influences, including organized crime, to make sure it is tribes that are receiving the benefit of Indian gaming, and to ensure that fair playing practices that protect tribes and players are adhered to. The NIGC maintains a list of gaming tribes on its site, searchable by tribe or state.
Through his web site,, Victor Rocha offers daily links to news stories, feature articles and editorials about Indian gaming, as well as other Native American news.
Historical and Contemporary American Indian Gaming
This Arizona State University bibliography of resources related to the history of Native American gaming includes documents, books, and materials available through the Government Printing Office, the University Library at ASU, and ASU's Labriola National American Indian Data Center.